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 Asparagus Prosciutto Roses with Lemon Olive Oil

Asparagus Prosciutto Roses with Lemon Olive Oil

These look very intricate and complicated but I promise you with only two steps, they are as easy as can be! If you are lucky enough to have one of those lovely olive oil stores close to you, you can even skip step one and just purchase lemon olive oil.

Makes six roses.

Step one:

1/4c  olive oil

2      rind of 2 lemons (pith removed)

Pop both the lemon rind and the olive oil in a small saucepan on low heat for about 15 minutes or until you can smell the lemon. Remove the lemon rind and set aside to cool.

Step 2:

6    asparagus spears (blanched)

6    slices of prosciutto

Place an asparagus spear on the plate.

Now fold a piece of prosciutto in half and roll it until it looks like a rose and is the size you want. Pinch one making a tissue paper flower and cut off any excess length be sure to leave about  1” of the pinched bottom so your rose doesn't unravel. Reserve the bits you trimmed off for later use.

Place your rose on top of the pointy part of the asparagus, and voila you have a long stemmed rose!

Garnish with a few drops of olive oil, maybe even some lemon syrup and some chopped candied lemon if you have any. Repeat the process until you’ve completed all six.



Skin Food

Skin Food