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100 Mile Caramel Recipe

100 Mile Caramel Recipe

I came up with this because while our family was doing the 100mile challenge we were really missing our sweets. We’d use this drizzled on top of hot cereal in place of brown sugar, we’d dip apple slices in it, we’d even put it on warmed apple cider topped with whipping cream. It helped ease my severe coffee cravings so instead of a caffeine buzz, I got a sugar buzz. It all worked out in the end. Enjoy its killer. 

1/2 c local honey

1 c 18% cream

1tbs    butter

Heat the cream until very hot, I do this in the microwave. Put honey in a deep pot on medium high for about 5-8 min (you’re looking for the honey to turn a deep rich brown). Once it looks dark enough, slowly add the hot cream. Be careful, as it will spatter a lot. Stir continuously until the sauce reaches its desired thickness (remember it will thicken more as it cools), then add butter and gently stir. Pour into a clean jar and let cool. Put whatever you don’t use in the fridge; it keeps for quite a long time. 

 *Tip: if your milk isn’t the right temperature and the caramel goes lumpy, not to worry! Simply cool it, and give it a whiz in the blender until it returns to a smooth consistency. Then continue to thicken on the stove. Isn't that so much better than starting all over again! Plus you wouldn’t want to waste all that yummy honey the bees worked so hard to make for you.

If you thicken your sauce enough, you can even make 100 Mile Caramel Apples!!! 


Coconut Lime Rice

Coconut Lime Rice

Presto Pesto

Presto Pesto