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MUFFIN OF THE MONTH- Coconut Matcha Latte

MUFFIN OF THE MONTH- Coconut Matcha Latte

It's January and I've never been one to hop on the New Years resolution diet band wagon so yes, I  still have a MUFFIN OF THE MONTH in January lol. My resolutions lean more towards being and eating healthier. That to me means eating more nutrient dense foods, so this muffin fits the bill perfectly! They are rich and creamy just like a Matcha Latte thanks to the unusual addition of read that right, avocado in a muffin! I figured why not include a healthy fat alternative that would amp up the gorgeous green colour. The Matcha green tea is full of antioxidants and fibre so these muffins will put a little spring in your step. Fantastic as a quick breakfast or a late afternoon snack. Best of all they take mere minutes to prepare. I make them so often I can do it with my eyes closed! I even sometimes prep the dry and wet ingredients the night before...stir them together in the morning and pop them in the oven to bake while I'm showering. Easy Peasy!

12 servings at 225 calories per serving.


2 1/2c      flour

2/3c          sugar 

2tsp        baking powder

1tsp         baking soda

1/2tsp      salt

2 tbsp      matcha powder


2          eggs

1/2        avocado (mashed)

1- 1/2c   coconut milk  

2tbsp    vanilla

1/4c      coconut oil    


Preheat oven to 375. 

In a large bowl combine the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl beat the eggs until frothy, then add the remaining wet ingredients. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and stir just enough to moisten. Too much mixing makes a tuff muffin. Fill lined muffin cups 3/4 full (I use a large icecream scoop) and bake for 20-25 minutes or until slightly golden.

*If for some reason your muffin mix seems a little dry and stiff feel free to stir in a splash more liquid. Conversley if it ends up a little wet, add a sprinkle more flour. We've always been told baking is an exact science and for many recipes it is, but...I'll never post a recipe like that! All my recipes allow room for a little creative licence and a few corrective measures. So forget what momma always told you lol!

Once cooled feel free to garnish with a dusting of icing sugar...they look really pretty that way!

TIP- This recipe is easily made gluten free by simply swapping out the flour with a gluten free version such as Robin Hood or my favourite flour blend. You can also make this vegan easily by using an egg replacer. 

Makes 12.



Scented Play Dough

Scented Play Dough