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Yum-Ola Granola

Yum-Ola Granola

I absolutely love granola! I put it on my yogurt in the morning, sprinkle it on the tops of my muffins before I bake them and have been know to just eat it by the handful. So needless to say I was horrified when I realized how much fat and sugar was in most of the commercially prepared granola! I certainly wasn't going to stop eating it, so I had to come up with a much healthier granola option...and this is it. 

6c       oats

1/2c    bran

1/2c    oat bran

1/2c    slivered almonds or toasted pecan bits

1c       coconut (I like ribbon)

3/4c   flax (whole or ground)

1/2c    hemp hearts (optional)

2tsp    salt

2tsp    cinnamon

1c        honey or maple syrup

1/2c    apple cider (or juice) 

1tbs     vanilla


Preheat oven to 375.

Toss everything together in a bowl and thoroughly combine. I like to squeeze together a few bits of the mixture because I like a few larger nuggets in my granola. Pour mixture onto a parchment lined cookie sheet and bake for about 35 minutes or until granola is crisp and golden. Remove and let cool completely before storing in an air-tight container.

Better Than Aunt Jemima

Better Than Aunt Jemima

Stuffed Peppers in a Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

Stuffed Peppers in a Roasted Red Pepper Sauce