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My Favourite Shortcut

My Favourite Shortcut

Anything that simplifies my life is a beautiful thing as far as I'm concerned. I've been using Dalla Terra products for years. I used to make antipastos and roasted peppers from scratch but once I discovered these I figured why bother!  Unless I'm really in the mood to be all cheffy. Dalla Terra makes their products with absolutely nothing I wouldn't put in them if I was making it myself. That's right no preservatives, no unnecessary sugar or hydrogenated fats, just real food. Finally a commercially prepared food I will happily use as a shortcut!

I use these in everything from soups, sauces and even in appetizers. The Mediterranean Antipasto is my favourite. It has a slightly smokey taste that adds such richness and depth to anything you put it in. I highly recommend you give them a try, it's a quick and heathy way to get more veggies into your diet! They can be found in most produce and specialty stores and are very reasonably priced.



Cosy Up For Fall

Cosy Up For Fall